Monday, March 8, 2010

Avocado Cane - Polymer Clay Food

I've decided my weekly challenge to myself will count as a cane a week created anywhere in between Sunday and a Saturday.  Therefore, the fact that this cane comes 13 days after my last one is okay, since the pot of gold was finished on a Sunday, and this one was completed this past Saturday.  Are you following?  Either way, it makes me feel better knowing I still accomplished something.

I had started another flower cane last week but only got as far as the center.  I had to stop there because I didn't feel inspired by it to create.  It made me think of late summer or autumn with it's golden colors, so really, it's time has just not come yet and I will finish it another day.

Maybe part of my problem was that I had avocados on my brain, not flowers.  This is my favorite food, I could eat them everyday and never get bored.  In fact, I have done that for months at a time.  I usually just cut them in half, grab a spoon, and call it a meal.


I realize there is no background there.  But in my defense, I don't have enough of the colors I want to use.  Since I'm the one who has made the rules to my own challenge, and right now I'm the only one playing along, I call this a perfectly legit entry.
I'm thinking avocado tacos for dinner.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My boys and their Lego Cool Creations

Well, today there are several creative endeavors going on around me.  My boys have decided that they want to enter things in "cool creations", a section of Lego magazine.  Naturally, this involves me taking their pictures.

 Alex with his Lego Base.
The challenge was in getting a good picture.  He was being silly and I had to threaten him with a call to Grandma and a noogie, that got him to laugh long enough for me to snap this great smile.

Layne and his Bionicle
I know it's hard to make out his handsome face here, but he wanted it to look like he was being attacked.  I did make him give me a real smile for another one, because I'm his mom and I'm allowed to demand nice picture, but I won't bore you with the details.

The one part of these pictures that I didn't realize til now is that you can see that I left my tomato cages and dead tomato plants all winter.  I guess that's what happens when you have a baby at the end of the summer, suddenly yardwork becomes less of a priority.

 I have been creative myself, it's slow going with all the work I have around the house.  I've got lots of new ideas in my head that i should probably get on paper before I forget.  I'm 1/3 of the way through a new flower cane and am hoping to get some time to finish it soon.  Maybe I'll go take care of the un-fun chores right now so I can work on it guilt free once the baby goes to bed for the night.

Also, I'm working on a better way to string my necklaces.  It involves crocheting and the part that I'm excited about is that it's something that is way easy for me to bring with me when we go out so I can be productive.  

Anyways, I leave you with this blurry little tidbit.... Ladies and Gentlemen.... I give you... Pantsman.